叶晓生 副教授

发布时间:2024-10-14 阅读次数:



姓名:叶晓生      所属学科:资源环境  

职 称:副教授       籍贯:江西赣州

    学位:博士           职务:专任教师




2024.12-至今    湖南工商大学资源环境学院 副教授

2022.1-2024.12  湖南工商大学资源环境学院 讲师

2016.9-2021.12  中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院 博后、讲师

2011.9-2016.4   湖南大学   化学   博士

2009.9-2011.6   湖南大学   生物化学与分子生物学   硕士

2005.9-2009.6   湖南大学   生物技术   学士


1、国家自然科学基金项目,Aptamer-Fe3O4@Cu/Au/Pt NPs双功能探针构建及其食源性病原菌检测与抑制性能研究,82003508,主持







1. Jingwen Zhang, Shan Xiang, Pian Wu, Danqi Wang, Siyu Lu, Shanlin Wang, Fangjie Gong, XiaoQian Wei, Xiaosheng Ye(通讯作者) , Ping Ding. Recent advances in performance improvement of Metal-organic Frameworks to remove antibiotics: mechanism and evaluation, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 811, 152351

2. Lingfeng Qin, Bo Feng, Qi Luo, Zihang Zeng, Peng Zhang, Xiaosheng Ye(通讯作者), Taiping Qing. Copper ion and G-quadruplex-mediated fluorescent sensor for highly selective detection of bleomycin in actual samples, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2022, 267, 120572.

3. Xiaosheng Ye, Xiaoxiao He, Yanli Lei, Jinlu Tang, Yanru Yu, Hui Shi, Kemin Wang, One-pot synthesized Cu/Au/Pt trimetallic nanoparticles with enhanced catalytic and plasmonic properties as a universal platform for biosensing and cancer theranostics, Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(16): 2321-2324.

4. Xiaosheng Ye, Hui Shi, Xiaoxiao He, Yanru Yu, Dinggeng He, Jinlu Tang, Yanli Lei, Kemin Wang, Cu-Au alloy nanostructures coated with aptamers: a facile, stable and highly-effective platform for in vivo cancer theranostics, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 2260–2267.

5. Xiaosheng Ye, Hui Shi, Xiaoxiao He, Kemin Wang, Dinggeng He, Lv'an Yan, Fengzhou Xu, Yanli Lei, Jinlu Tang, Yanru Yu, Iodide-responsive Cu-Au nanoparticle-based colorimetric platform for ultrasensitive detection of target cancer cells, Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 7141–7147.

6. Xiaosheng Ye, Hui Shi, Xiaoxiao He, Kemin Wang, Duo Li, Pengchao Qiu, Gold nanorod-seeded synthesis of Au@Ag/Au nanospheres with broad and intense near-infrared absorption for photothermal cancer therapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014, 2, 3667-3673.

7. Hui Shi, Xiaosheng Ye共同一作, Xiaoxiao He, Kemin Wang, Wensi Cui, Dinggeng He, Duo Li and Xuekun Jia, Au@Ag/Au nanoparticles assembled with activatable aptamer probes as smart “nano-doctors” for image-guided cancer thermotherapy, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 8754-8761.

8. Hui Shi, Xiaoxiao He, Kemin Wang, Xu Wu, Xiaosheng Ye, Qiuping Guo, Weihong Tan, Zhihe Qing, Xiaohai Yang, and Bing Zhou, Activatable aptamer probe for contrast-enhanced in vivo cancer imaging based on cell membrane protein-triggered conformation alteration, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011, 108, 3900–3905.


1: 王柯敏,石慧,何晓晓,叶晓生,伍旭,郭秋平,周冰. 开关式核酸适体探针及其在肿瘤活细胞及活体检测中的应用. 申请日2010.04.26,授权日2012.07.04,专利号ZL201010155148.4

2: Kemin Wang; Hui Shi; Xiaoxiao He; Xiaosheng Ye; Xu Wu; Qiuping Guo; Bing Zhou. Switchable nucleic acid aptamer probe and uses thereof in tumor living cell detection and in vivo detection. PCT No.: PCT/CN2011/072037. United States patent application publication No.: US 2013/0251638 A1. Grant date: 2014/11/11. Patent number: US8883994B2

地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓大道569号湖南工商大学 邮箱:hutbzyhj@163.com 电话:0731-88688101

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